
Everything about getting a job in the Netherlands as an International Student 🎓

Are you an international student coming to the Netherlands for the first time? Here are a few tips on transitioning to life and work in the Netherlands from an industry expert 📖

Are you an international student beginning your journey in the Netherlands? Welcome to a world of opportunities! Here are some quick tips to help you seamlessly transition into Dutch life and work.

Let’s get it clear from the beginning: a part-time job next to your study has so many benefits, but you might face a few bumps on the road to finding the perfect match. We have outlined the documentation you need to prepare, and some tips on how to quickly find good matches 🙏🏼

Step 1: Before finding a job (for both EU and non-EU passport holders) 🔍

  1. Valid residence permit (VVR): Ensure that you have a valid residence permit for the duration of your employment. A residence permit allows you to legally reside in the Netherlands and engage in work or study activities. Make sure your residence permit is valid throughout your employment period.
  2. Citizen Service Number (BSN): Obtain a Citizen Service Number (BSN) from the municipality where you will be living. This unique identification number is necessary for various administrative and financial purposes, such as opening a bank account and paying taxes.
  3. Dutch bank account: Open a Dutch bank account to receive your salary and manage your finances. Having a local bank account will ensure smooth transactions with your employer.
  4. Register with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst): Registering with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration is essential to fulfill your tax obligations and ensure proper reporting and taxation of your income.

Step 2: When a job is potentially found 🥳

For Non-EU Passport Holders:

  1. Work permit (TWV): Once you have found a company, they will apply for a work permit (TWV) on your behalf. This permit is obtained from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). Note that the company must request the work permit for you as an international student.

For Both EU and Non-EU Passport Holders:

  1. Dutch healthcare insurance: Obtain Dutch healthcare insurance as soon as you secure a job. This insurance is mandatory when working in the Netherlands and provides coverage for medical emergencies and accessing healthcare services. This might see redundant and pricy but is a must have, so consider it before subscribing with an insurance provider in your home country. Oh, and go check out the “Zorgtoesslag” from the Belastingdienst, this allowance can make pricy healthcare insurance subscription more bearable!

It is important to note that the information provided here serves as a general guideline. For more detailed information and a comprehensive list of required documents, please refer to the official sources, such as the Dutch immigration authorities and your educational institution. They will provide updated guidelines and regulations regarding permits and necessary documents for international students working in the Netherlands.

Step 3: Need some help finding the perfect part-time job? We've got you 💼

In today's competitive job market, we're thrilled to introduce you to our two outstanding platforms: and These platforms are your ticket to kickstart your career and find opportunities that match your goals and ambitions 🌟


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